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If you're reading this, Hey! My name is Dil and I am a self-taught brow artist with 8+ years of experience in all-things-eyebrows shaping and threading!


I was born and raised in Scarborough, Ontario, which is also where I am located. I started getting my eyebrows threaded when I was just a little girl and somewhere between now and then, brows became my obsession



TDSB School Photo Day 2002
Childhood Class Photo TDSB 2000s
ShapedByDil Eyebrow Unshaped



Shaped by Dil plucking young boy wearing headphones eyebrow's.
Shaped By Dil threading young girls eyebrows
Eyebrow Business flyer screenshoot
Mens Eyebrow Threading

As a Canadian-Bangladeshi, I did not look like a majority of my peers growing up. For the first 6 years of my life, I was the iconic 2000's "boy-cut" girl. As I got older and physically developed so did my hair growth.



















I always had full and dark eyebrow hair growing up. It was one of the most prominent features on my face. At home, I always told to be grateful for having such thick & healthy hair, yet at around my peers I looked different and felt insecure. I was in the third grade when I experienced discomfort in my own skin for the time. A racist slur followed by a "and shave that unibrow too". It was such an unfamiliar feeling, and I most certainly did not know how to express myself. It continued for a couple months before I was finding excuses to be absent and my ma knew something was wrong with my self-esteem and confidence being noticeably low. 


And so off we went, to the local eyebrow salon to get my eyebrows threaded. 



When I was in high school, I was getting my eyebrows threaded more frequently. Some time in 11th grade while getting my eyebrows threaded I said "just a clean up please, not too thin!".  When I finally saw my eyebrows, I held my tears back until I was alone when I finally let out a big sigh. My eyebrows were the thinnest they had ever been and I certainly had developed some trust issues around anyone ever touching my eyebrows again.


This incident ultimately led me to learn to thread my eyebrows & also why I always trust the growth process. As I always say, it's a journey!













Given that I was in high school with so many peers around me, it was also the prime location and opportunity to practice on different hair and skin types. At the time, it was a skill I was trying to master. I practiced on anyone and everyone, anywhere. This stemmed purely from personal drive and passion because as a student I had different priorities. In the midst of it being a student I also spent the last 2 years of high school threading brows for myself and everyone, whether it was in the hallway, library, cafeteria, or even class!



























There was a sense of satisfaction, I felt really good being able to make someone else feel good about themselves, and feel confident in their own skin! The smile on their faces after they saw themselves in the mirror after was the most rewarding feeling and so somewhere between then and now, so many friends from high school became loyal and long-term clients!




ShapedByDil Eyebrow Growth

In 2016 while being a first-year student & living on residence at Queen's University, in Kingston, Ontario, my Don at the time & now good friend created an online flyer which she posted on all Queen's related facebook pages. Before I knew it, I was booking threading appointments for students all over campus in my dorm room and later in my student home. This was where I established my business and gained much more experience in brow shaping, threading, waxing, lamination, and lash lifts. 


Upon returning home, I began pursuing ShapedbyDil and have been watering my business. A personal motto I live by is that "the grass isn't greener on the other side, it's green where you water it." â€‹




Woman getting her eyebrows threaded
Woman getting her eyebrows threaded with golden dog by her side

For any questions or concerns, get in touch now.


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